Macrigi Marketplace | Italian pasta for the international B2B and B2C markets.

donne mangia pasta macrigi

Macrigi exports TRUE Italian culture to the world

The pasta that Macrigi offers to international markets is not the pasta you find in supermarkets. It is something unique, made with the heart, passion and sacrifices of a whole life and all of this inevitably increases its value.

Everyone knows it, we Italians love pasta. We love any format: from long pasta to short pasta, from dry pasta to fresh pasta, stuffed pasta or classic pasta and I could go on and on. On the other hand, it is part of our culture that distinguishes us abroad. A culture so rooted in us that it makes it “sacred”.

Here comes what will later be one of the philosophies that Macrigi follows: Bringing back to the world how a dish of pasta should be prepared in a workmanlike manner, using genuine Italian products.

Replicating a plate of pasta as our dear grandmothers have been doing for years is necessary to start from the raw material, naturally of excellent quality… and we have this quality!

Macrigi was created to unite the best Italian SMEs, which we believe are indispensable for the good of the country as well as being the driving force of the peninsula, and then sell the products they produce through our marketplace (online supermarket) to the international B2B and B2C markets, using a global commercial network.

We are making great strides and, not to boast, but the pasta that our companies offer at the moment does not come close to the pasta present in the large retailers. It has a much larger value.

But why?

  1. Made by hand or with non-invasive machinery,
  2. It was born respecting tradition and nature,
  3. 100% made in Italy,
  4. Quality ingredients,
  5. Passion, love, sweat and dedication for this job.

Macrigi is constantly looking for small-medium enterprises that have the characteristics listed, because we know that the products that are born thanks to these characteristics, are born to satisfy a small but high prestige market.

Ā«This is what we want to express when we talk about the real made in Italy, this is our true culture and we want to shout it all over the world!Ā»

Tagliatelle all'Uovo

Fresh pasta directly from Naples.

Easy to serve and goes well with any sauce. It is very quick to cook, excellent for those who want perfect and fast service.

The most original pasta we have.

Original because the combination of the ingredients is surprising, Recommended for those who have an excellent palate or want to make a good impression with guests.

Whole wheat pasta! for a healthy life.

Following a healthy diet is the best thing you can do.While pasta is not everyone's favorite but it is excellent for metabolism.

Fresh pasta that respects tradition.

Fresh pasta from southern Italy.When quality knows no limits, excellent fresh products can be obtained.

If you are a wholesaler or restaurant owner and you are a lover of Italy and the products it offers, sign up as such and you will see the prices dedicated to you.

Now let's talk seriously

Macrigi is able to supply the B2B and B2C markets. We are able to satisfy any category that has to do with Restaurants or large-scale distribution. I warn you, we do not only sell pasta, but we have a wide range of products: we are here to surprise you!

Our team of professionals is ready to take care of you: present, active and keeps you constantly updated on the latest news.

The pasta that our companies produce is dedicated to haute cuisine and to international large-scale distribution, which are always in search of originality, of change and strives to amaze their customers with increasingly original and refined dishes.

Knowing that we are supplying these genuine products and that they can be appreciated in all the tables in the world,makes us proud to be Italian and to be part of this project.

We are also convinced that, now more than ever, our products made in Italy and handcrafted are the most sought after by the sector’s markets.

Picture of Macrigi


Our mission is the foundation of Giovanni Castelli’s vision.
Thanks to his experience working with Italian and international small and medium-sized companies, together we have been able to bring together the best and brightest aspects of Italy to bring Made In Italy products to markets around the world. Best of all, our items are available at the click of a button. We can assure you that your shopping experience on Macrigi Marketplace will be simple, convenient and the best you’ve ever had!

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